I am new to koi ponds and i have had the pond for just over a week. I have a decent pump, filter, heater and air pump. I have around 14 kois and i have noticed a lot of flashing. My ph balance is 7.5 to 7.8. I haven't tested any others but i am getting a test kit tommorw. I didnt filter the water so i think it has chlorine and possibly metals. How would i go about measuring these? I also had a mirror carp with fungus on his mouth so i had one dose of anti bacteria in the pond today. Please can anyone advice me what is the best solution or should i empty the water and uae a filteration to ensure chlorine etc isnt a factor?
I am new to koi ponds and i have had the pond for just over a week. I have a decent pump, filter, heater and air pump. I have around 14 kois and i have noticed a lot of flashing. My ph balance is 7.5 to 7.8. I haven't tested any others but i am getting a test kit tommorw. I didnt filter the water so i think it has chlorine and possibly metals. How would i go about measuring these? I also had a mirror carp with fungus on his mouth so i had one dose of anti bacteria in the pond today. Please can anyone advice me what is the best solution or should i empty the water and uae a filteration to ensure chlorine etc isnt a factor?