I was wondering if Koi and Goldfish change colors through out their whole life. All of my Koi have changed some in the last 2 years. One was black and yellow. Now he is black and orange/yellowish. I would describe it like burnt orange. It looks pretty cool. But this one in the pic was pretty weird. All of the orange on his head just seemed to disapear this year. His whole head is peach color now. His name is Bernie LOL
Do they continue to change or does it stop when they get older?
I was wondering if Koi and Goldfish change colors through out their whole life. All of my Koi have changed some in the last 2 years. One was black and yellow. Now he is black and orange/yellowish. I would describe it like burnt orange. It looks pretty cool. But this one in the pic was pretty weird. All of the orange on his head just seemed to disapear this year. His whole head is peach color now. His name is Bernie LOL
Do they continue to change or does it stop when they get older?