I have been a stalker here for awhile. I have a stock tank that my last horse would bob for goldfish out of. goldfish were there to keep the tank clean. well a few years later and I tried to set the tank in the ground and make a small waterfall to it. it got boring... so I finally decided to pull it out and make a nice waterfall into a decent sized pond. I'm limited on space but looks like it will be somewhere around 23ft long and about 12 to 15 ft wide. a few spots might be smaller and some bigger but that's the basic looking at maybe 5ft deep or more in most areas but I want to do a sloped shallow part with a very large flat rock (if I can find the perfect rock) to let kids feed the fish at. but I like the look of a deep pond. and going to make a larg bog on this. I already bought a 40x40 liner from reading what everyone was happy with. I am on a budget my husband says but if I need something to donit right I will make it happen or make it. I am very very skilled at making and building things. we have a large shop with just about everything in there. I used to run about a 700g in wall reef tank and another 300g shark tank so alot of this falls into a somewhat close comparison. I am how ever struggling on how much filtration I will need and pump sizes supply line size and a few other things like I read about people doing a basicly undergravel filter in a sorts along with the bog filter. any advise before I make a huge mistake is always welcome . I may just go pick up an excavator in a few days and break ground. lol