Yes, agree with WB on fish capacity. I keep 15 koi in approx. 3500 gallon (13,250 liters). They range from 12 - 24" (30 - 60 cm). I could probably easily add 2-3 more of that size with our filtration system but we don't want to load the system.
I usually don't recommend that people keep Koi in anything less than 500 gallons and than only one or two. The other issue is with a pond under 500 gallons, the depth is usually not sufficient for wintering over Koi. In most areas that get snow, you should have at least 3' of depth and preferably 4' to minimize winter stress on the fish. Yes, many folks manage with two feet and even one foot for years with no issues. Than one really bad winter...... Obviously the more temperate, the shallower you can go.
Also, with the 12v UV you have, I doubt that it is meant to function at the high rate of flow that your pump is providing. I.e. The higher the rate of flow, the lower the exposure to the UV light This is countered somewhat by the a higher number of passes through the UV. But since you only run the system a few hours a day, that might be negated. You might find that the UV adds more value if you split the pump flow and send some water back directly to the pond while only sending a portion through the UV. Another option would be add a smaller fountain type of pump dedicated to just pumping water through the UV and using that 24 hrs. I don't like that too much as I only like running filtered water through the UV.
I might suggest that your waterfall pump is probably more than enough to run the whole system, I'd pull the bigger pump and use the waterfall pump with the filter and UV and back to the waterfall and keep it all running 24 x 7.
Than use the bigger pump on your next pond.
. That bigger pump probably could handle about a 12,000 liter pond with the right filter and UV and a reasonable fish load. (12-15 koi max).