Thanks Dr, in lies my delima,....large pond,...35ftX12ftX4ft,....have finally opted to go with a liner vs the concrete I was so set on in the beginning (go ahead Koikeeper,."I told you so" ), my plan was/is to have two 150gal skippy filters gravity fed from a 4" bottom drain,..then an external pump back to the beginning of a 6ft stream to the falls.
The problem is I'm on very flat land and will be using the dirt I dig up to make a raised area for the stream. If I understand this correctly,.I need the whole skippy filter under the water level of the area of the pond where the bottom drain is,...correct? Which means I need a bomb shelter to house my filters in.
Not sure about how I'm going to do this,...unless I change things around and pump water from the pond to the filters,..which isn't the most efficient way to do things, right?
I've never used a bottom drain before, last pond was only about 1200gal and I used a submersible pump to pump out of the pond to a skippy filter I had hidden in a bench on my porch,..then gravity fed back down to the water feature.
So, is there such thing as an attractive filter pit and how do you keep the bottom of it dry and still get to it for maintenance?