Judging your pond's evaporation can be a bit nerve racking, at least was for me after my first year.
After I got everything done, I was losing an inch of water every day!! My pond has a fountain and waterfall. Of course, that first year we were having constant 100~110*F, crazy winds, near zero humidity, near zero dew point, and it was like this until October, when it finally cooled down. Once the weather cooled down, my water was staying level and steady for days. So, this experience really taught me what the evaporation rate is in my area.
If this is your first pond, then you might still be learning what your evaporation rate actually is in your area.
Other than that and what Howard has suggested, I really don't know what else to do. You could just let the water level to continue to drop, and, if the water level appears to stop at a certain level, then that might be where the leak is located somewhere at that particular water line.