So for the last couple years I’ve had a chipmunk problem. Yes! It started with me! I thought they were so cute and I was feeding them! Then when they started going into my basement that I have off my garage. I knew I had a problem And now that I haven’t fed them peanuts in 2 years I still have this problem! They find little tiny spots in my waterfall in between the rocks to burrow and they get into the liner. And go under that. Last year cause of this I had over a $600 water bill since I needed to keep putting water in my pond. Till I found the problem. Put a large piece of liner on top and rebuilt my waterfall ( a whole day job) and we were good. Now that I restarted my pond. The water is going down again. Not nearly as bad though. And I did see those now ugly rodents!! Coming from my rocks at the falls. So I’m pretty sure they did it again. But it’s just not as bad yet. I have to tear it apart again. But what can I do to stop this? I can’t be the only one with this problem. I can’t stand them anymore!! Lol