I was recently told by someone who has had Koi for a very long time that they feed them catfish floating food pellets from a feed store. She said that it has the same nutrients as Koi food but at half the price. Koi food is through the roof! Anyone else use catfish food? If so can you point me to which brand works for you? Thanks!
Hi Juan
I want to apologize for my totally out of place comment below. I just read CAT and not CATFISH food. In my age, I am 64 and retired OMG.
Fact is, I have 4 dogs and one (koi)cat
, see the picture attached, and that kind of food is always available at home.
For the special fish food, it is not a cost problem for me (thank God), it is just an availability problem is this area, where fish pond activities are inexistent (in the mountains of Cusco Peru).
On the other side, that food, combined/balanced with vegetables is working ok sofar. I am still waiting for special food offered for the next weeks.
Sorry again.