I think cats tend to become feral more quickly than dogs but dogs go feral like cats as well and become "wild". This is a big problem in some places rural China and Russia (read a recent article on that).
But being a cat (and dog owner), I think cat problems are mostly due to the owners. Our cats are domesticated, they can be taught and trained to play fetch, etc. It's just most owners don't spend the amount of time needed to train them, they just let them roam so they become mostly feral. And it is more work to train cats as they've only been with humans for maybe 10,000 years, where as dogs for at least 300,000.
But I digress, I use cayenne or some non toxic "critter-ridder" products to discourage the neighbours cats from our yard. The range of an outdoor cat is pretty large, and they do have a "patrol route". So if you can "block" or change their route/range, it may be a good way to eliminate the problem.