I am buying a tank for indoors an moving 3 of my 6 fish from my pond to the tank indoors not because of Winter coming but because I believe now that my bio-load IS to much for my pond. Does anyone here have any thoughts or knowledge on how to prepare the tank for my fish coming out of the pond into the tank. I am putting a 3 inch and (2) 5 to 6 inch goldfish in the tank. Was looking at a 60 gallon tank. please advise. I wrote to you guys a couple of months ago and got some really good advice when my ammonia level spiked and I did some water changes put some plants in the pond and upgraded my biofilter. The fish perked up for a couple of days but now they seem stressed again and tha ammonia level is still up so I am just trying to see if this is the answer to the problem.