My previous pond was at most, 250 gallon - two smaller pre-formed pools plus a 25-gal skippy. The waterfall flowing from one pond to the other was only about 4-5" wide, so there wasn't a huge amount of flow. In the Winter, the splashing would form this ice bubble around the waterfall which looked very interesting on its own... However year after year I found that as long as I kept the water moving, I never had any problems with the waterfall itself getting blocked by ice.
Keep in mind: My preformed ponds were also 18" deep, and being so shallow, they can and will freeze solid to the bottom unless you have a heater running in the Winter! I used a generic stock-tank heater made for going into the rubbermaid plastic tanks. A hole was cut in the side of the pond, and the heater permanently mounted. Alternatively, you can place some rocks on the bottom of the pond and rest the heater on top of the rocks.
@brandonsdad02: You are in zone 4B. You can punch in a google query for "city state hardiness-zone" to find answers for other areas.