The small white rocks were probably thrown by innocent young grandchildren of our rear neighbors from his yard. Kids will be kids. Heaven know I woulld have been in the midst of them. LOL. The plate size jaggered Oklahoma red stone and three pieces of jagged query stone, each more or less than two pounds were thrown from in our yard, front of pond. It took a teenager or God forbid an adult to throw in the larger pieces.
When I good naturedly told my already untrustworthy rear neighbor about the white pebbles he rudely, bluntly and loudly said his grandchildren did nothing. The white pebbles came from around his oak tree. The trajectory of the pebbles lined up perfectly with his yard.
Upon our first introductution a number of years ago this man introduced himslelf and his wife to us using alias names. We now know their real names but, believe it or not, was told we were to address them by the names he initally told us! They are renters originally from the 9th Ward of New Orleans. I know the philanthropist owner who let them rent the home after Hurricane Katrina for a fraction of market value. Oh, this couples occupation is taking in foster children. The Texas CPS initially denied their foster home application because they initially refused to care for white or Hispanic children.
We get along with them yet at arms length.