True friends just call me Larkin
I know there are several here that keep fish other than just in ponds, I have a large green Terror cichlid. about 12" long, I've had it for about ten years, I have been noticing over the last five or six months that it seems to be losing weight in the belly area, It eats well, all the water checks out fine,(Ph 7.5 Ammonia 0.012, Nitrite 0 nitrate reading 0, temp 80 degrees) the rest of the fish don't seem to be doing this. Any ideas what might be going on or what could be causing this. He's still very active and bossy, Very alert, no other signs of anything thing else going on. He is the largest fish in a 75 gallon aquarium. Doesn't really appear to be sick just looks under fed although I know he gets plenty of food and a good variaty of treat foods, such as blood worms, frozen brine shrimp, Fd krill, chopped earthworms, and their standard food. he also likes green beans and peas, so I do give him a few every once in a while but normally use spirallina pellets instead as they are less messy for the fish tank.