Any tips for design of new pond?

Mar 4, 2022
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United Kingdom
Hello All

I'm about to have some landscaping done and this will include a new pond that will hopefully mean a few improvements on the current one. However, I've never had a go at a new pond and so there's a chance I won't get everything right and I'd like to optimise as many choices as possible.

I currently have a pond that was already in the garden when I bought my house 12 years ago. It's sort of rectangular and has a deeper area in the centre and is basically a lined hole. I have goldfish in there (around 20 at the last count attempt, there may be more now), and some frogs too, and some plants.

First off, I'm going to need a solution to transfer the fish and plants to something while things are being changed. The builder has suggested an IBC tank, and I said that maybe it would need at least being partially buried so it doesn't heat up too much? Any advice on how to safely keep the fish during this period would be great. I suppose the frogs will do their own thing and hopefully return to the new pond.

I was considering a welded liner rather than using one sheet for the liner. I was going to design a simple rectangle with a shelf area along each long edge for plants. From a google search it sounds like the main area of the pond should be 2 foot deep, but that sounds a bit shallow. What are the benefits or problems of going deeper than this?

I believe trying to get 60% of the surface covered with plants is a good idea and was going to use fringed water lily and white water lily, but any tips on some other attractive and useful/practical plants is welcome

A friend has recommended a pond box filter from a company called Swell. I was keen on having some sort of water feature too. At the moment I have a filter/pump that sits in the bottom of the pond and has a fountain at the top.

So, basically, these are the only things I've considered so far, but there could well be other things I should be looking in to for this to be the optimal success. Any advice on anything to do with all this would be great. Thanks
Jul 28, 2024
Reaction score
United States
I would recommend building a bog filter. They work well and require very little maintenance. There are some threads about them on this forum. You can also check out Nelson Water Gardens, which has very detailed instructions on their site. A guy in Australia (I think), Oz Ponds, also posts many versions that are similar to Nelson’s methods but a bit different.


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
flower fly.gif
Bogs are a great idea! Lots have them but sorry to say I don't and wished I'd made one from the start.

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